Need a Free Video Editing Tool? Windows 10 Comes With One!

Creating videos at work using your cellphone? Need to share content with a co-worker but can’t send the full file? Video Editing. Let’s talk about what it means to edit a video well. Everyone says you need Premiere pro or Davinci Resolve. Those people would be right. But what about for the guy or gal […]
Create an Internal Website for your Company with Office 365

Need to bring your team together? But can’t be in the same room? Make a company internal site instead! So, your team has been drifting apart. Not knowing what to look for next. Maybe you guys all follow each other on Instagram now, that’s great. But that’s not professional, some workplaces don’t want you to […]
SSD or HDD What’s The Difference?

Solid State Drive or Hard Disk Drive? Which one do I need? Is one better then the other?
New Year New Plan? Three ways to Improve your Cyber Security without Breaking the Bank.

New Year New Me? Your Companies ‘Cyber Security Resolutions’ For 2021
The Great Solarwinds Hack of 2020

A network management software firm breached. You would think they have strong passwords and security… Right?
FireEye Cyber Attack – What can I Take Away from it?

One of the top cyber security firms in the world was hacked. What are you doing to protect your data?
Why You Need Virtual CIO Services

Cyber Security is always important to protect your business data. That’s why you need Virtual CIO Services. Contact us:
Future-Proofing Your Operations with Domain Services

Domains are tough to manage. Especially when you also run a business. Make us your Domain Service Provider:
3 Things to Look for in a VoIP Provider

VoIP or Voice Over Internet Protocol might be right for you. Find out if it will work in your business. Read More:
HOW TO: Solve Technology Season One

When Skycomp says “Solving Technology” That means we want to guide you to be self reliant in this new virtual world.