Skycomp’s Furry Friends

The Skycomp Team has some four-legged friends they keep us sane while we work. Want to look at adorable animal pictures? We are pet fanatics. We love animals of all shapes and sizes. But what we love more is posting them on Instagram and Facebook to show them off. Why not show off our pets […]
Skycomp’s Guide to Successfully Join a Webinar or Virtual Event.

Just some simple tips and tricks you should know before joining a virtual event. This article will briefly take you through the steps needed to join a virtual event or meeting successfully on all different platforms. Some of the most common mistakes are from the attendee end and not from the webinar host. We’ve all […]
Top Three Best Laptops in 2021 According to Google

We googled ‘Top Three Laptops in 2021’ went to the Shopping section and found this: You can go shopping on google now – if you aren’t living under a digital rock and only going on Tik Tok and Instagram for your recommendations. Google finds the top rated ‘things’ and complies them in a list. You […]
Top Five Reasons to Choose a Managed Service Provider over a Break fix or Internal IT Team.

Is your business growing? Thinking about starting up an IT department internally? We have some other options. Lets start this article out by saying we are a Managed Service Provider, so we are a little bias. That being said, we do respect and work with break fix providers and other internal IT staff. They are […]
The Top Ways to Make the Most of your Virtual Events

Looking for ideas to spruce up your virtual party? The Skycomp Team has a few pointers.
The Story of Skycomp Solutions Inc.

If you know of Skycomp – You know Serge and the Team. But do you know how it all started?
Why Skycomp?

With so many IT options out there… why go with Skycomp Solutions? We open doors and show you our values. Why Skycomp? We’ve been thinking. This is a tough question to answer. It has many different perspectives. The first one being from a potential client. Why should I put my IT in the hands of […]
2021 Microsoft Exchange Server Exploit

Let Skycomp explain this exploit in a way that everyone can understand. Today we are talking about the Exchange server exploit that happened a few weeks ago. Skycomp has clients that aren’t technically minded. Some of them are, some are just not in a technical field. Technical as in understanding networks and cyber security. That’s […]
A Lot More To IT Podcast

Not a boring IT podcast. We speak to company culture, running and IT business, staying ahead in the technology world. Welcome to IT! Get it? Welcome to “IT” as in Information Tech? Anyways… Skycomp is a technology support provider and a Managed Service Provider at its core. We stay ‘hip’ to the trends in technology. […]
International Women’s Day – The Skycomp Team

Skycomp is a very Women-Led company. We are proud of that. Lets celebrate the amazing women in our office. Today is International Women’s Day and Skycomp is a VERY woman-led organization. We are proud of it! Today we want to celebrate a few of our talented team that keep Skycomp afloat. We asked the women […]