Signing Documents Digitally For Free!

How to get paperwork done even while working from home. Adobe Sign, Docusign, so many different digital signing programs and software. But did you know you can use Adobe Acrobat and sign documents free? No Adobe license necessary. Your first step will be to go to download a free version of Adobe Sign: Once you […]

Lenovo Laptop Docking Stations

Which station makes sense for me – and why do I even need one? Laptop docking stations have been around for a while, unless you have been living under a rock… With this strange year of working either hybrid or from home a docking station could have come in handy. With technology constantly changing, and […]

Common Ports on a Computer

This one is for your friends, family, and grandma that need a little help with technology. The truth is technology is becoming, really has become a part of everyone’s daily routine. If you never touch a computer, camera, phone, laptop, or debit machine in a day, let’s just say – that might be a dream […]

Cyber Security and Working from Home

What can I do to make sure my work from home setup is cyber secure? There are many issues with cyber security and working from home. Lots of topics come up. But a main topic that not many people think about is their home modem and network. Most of us live in Ontario, Canada and […]

What the Heck is Multifactor Authentication?

How do I make sure I am always one step ahead of hackers? You’ve heard it a million times, look out for fake links, bad actors, people asking for passwords, don’t enter your password anywhere but your own devices and applications and when you do make sure to use 2 factor authentication. MSP’s or Managed […]

Microsoft Teams Features – Explained

Is Microsoft Teams Bad? Why Does Everyone LOVE Zoom? Let’s just say it’s not because Microsoft Teams is bad – its because we as users don’t know how to use the service to its full potential. We just have a slightly different view of what Microsoft Teams can do. I’d like to introduce myself. My […]

Skycomp Solutions is The Official Technology Support for the 2022 Canada Games

Why our Team is beyond excited to be The Official Technology Support Partner for the Niagara 2022 Canada Summer Games! Skycomp Solutions Inc – The Official Technology Support for the 2022 Canada Games First, what are the Canada Games? And when are they coming to Niagara? Held every two years, alternating between winter and summer, […]

Bill – C10 What is it? And Why are People Concerned?

Net Neutrality is a good thing – Why would Canada want to change that? When people start talking about Net Neutrality what does it mean? Net neutrality is the concept that all traffic on the Internet should be given equal treatment by Internet providers with little to no manipulation, interference, prioritization, discrimination, or preference given. […]