April 12, 2021

Lockdown 3.0 - How are we adapting? Again?

These lockdowns are starting to feel like never-ending windows updates...

We really didn't think we would have to write about this. But here we go! 

For reference we already did a blog on this: Read More

How do you keep a team together during a pandemic? Easy! Start a podcast that brings your team together and forces them to chat about life… with maybe a few drinks as well. (This is of course after hours.) With Lockdown 3.0 it is starting to feel like a never-ending windows update. You know when your computer turns on and your just about to get started and the dreaded spinning dots of the windows update start? Its always at the worst times… right in the morning when that important report is due.

If you signed on with Skycomp we manage your IT needs… so you would defiantly see less of your nemesis, the spinning wheel of the windows update. We manage updates – backups and everything in between. Time to stop worrying about technology and start getting work done.

Anyways – after that quick plug for our company… we really want to talk about the lockdown in Ontario and how it effects companies across the Niagara Region. We also want to mention the importance of keeping your team together. And beyond that keeping them together in non-cheesy ways. We don’t know about you or your teams’ personalities. But our team likes to skip the boring video call events and bring the action. While still being safe.

You can read more about our party planning style here: Read More

Even in a lockdown we do manage to make things happen and keep our team engaged. We don’t like to say this next line. It’s been said a lot… especially with no end in sight with this ridiculous pandemic. But we greatly miss being in the office. Our team watched movies at lunch together, we played video games, had Mario Cart tournaments, and went out for dinner and drinks after work. So close knit as a team. We will admit it defiantly has been hard. But we are working harder each virtual event to make things better than the last.

So, our team podcast – we’ve mentioned it a few times. It might seem like that’s all we share on our social media accounts… but we promise you actual work does get done as well… This is all after hours stuff. Well, because during the day we are an IT company, with a job to do, and clients to keep happy and exceed expectations. But on top of all that we need some way to keep the team together – even if its just listening.

Oh, and if you’re on the Skycomp Team reading this (and supporting our learn page… THANKYOU!) you will be asked eventually to be a guest on the podcast. So, get your podcast voice ready. (Which is usually just your normal voice). We find that this medium is a good way to get to know people. It keeps people a little bit on their toes because we are recording every sentence. But it lets us ask questions, laugh, and maybe discover something we didn’t know about a co-worker.

Look at how happy they are - looking for Microsoft Teams tutorials? Find them here: Become a Microsoft Teams Master

It also, if you have no life, (which most of us have nothing to do) because of lockdown. It will keep you sane and maybe help make some new friends. Maybe you have a suggestion for what we should talk about – who we should bring on? The Sky(comps) the limit with this podcast. If you want to read more about that you can head over here: Read More

But the importance of keeping our team together goes so much deeper than just events and podcasts. When you feel like your part of something, have a purpose, if you didn’t show up to work would everything go wrong? Maybe not that far. But maybe.

And that is a good feeling. Knowing your importance in a company is for many of us a large factor that gets us out of bed in the morning. We want everyone on our team to feel important and not just ‘feel’ that way or tell them that, so they are happy. But actual give them responsibility, and support efforts to learn and grow.

Can you do all this in a pandemic?

Skycomp believes you can. It just takes a lot more video calls, some more time spent together after hours but Infront of a webcam instead of at the local bar.  What are you doing to keep your team together? – Reach out to us @SkycompIT on Instagram and let us know! We are also always looking for more ideas.

Never stop bringing your team together, with a little bit of grit, technology, and maybe even a podcast – your team will be unstoppable!

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